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Writing involves lots of works-in-progress in lots of ways. Here’s where you can find most of my books (a few are no longer in print, another fact of life).
No matter what books for young readers interest you, chances are, I’ve written one—everything from picture books through YA, including fiction and nonfiction.
Most recent titles

Frank and the Bad Surprise

Frank and the Masked Cat

Frank and the Big Mistake

To Catch a Thief: a Sid Fleischman Award-winning middle grade mystery

Into the Bloodred Woods: a bloody, feminist young adult reimagining of a tapestry of fairytales

The Game of Love and Death: a historical romance and finalist for the Kirkus Prize

Future Tense: a Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection

Unpresidented: a Biography of Donald Trump

Alexander Hamilton, Revolutionary

I Am an American: The Wong Kim Ark Story (and the reason for birthright citizenship in the US)

This Old Dog (a love story between old dog and young human)

Cheerful Chick

Love, Santa: The Beautiful Truth about Santa

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